Conference Programme 2024

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Should the massage industry be regulated?

28 Nov 2024
Theatre A
Massage & Manual Therapy

In recent years, the massage therapy industry has witnessed exponential growth, with an increasing number of individuals seeking its services for various health and wellness benefits. However, this rapid expansion has brought to light significant concerns regarding the lack of consistent standards, qualifications, and oversight within the industry. To address these issues, this talk advocates for the implementation of statutory regulation to ensure the professionalism, safety, and efficacy of massage therapy services.

The absence of statutory regulation has created a fragmented landscape where practitioners operate under varying standards, leading to discrepancies in training, qualifications, and ethical practices. Without a standardised framework, clients are left vulnerable to potential harm from untrained or unscrupulous individuals posing as massage therapists. Moreover, the lack of regulation undermines the credibility and reputation of legitimate practitioners, making it difficult for clients to discern between competent professionals and those lacking proper training.
The talk will address statutory regulation, the different types of regulation, which other industries are regulated, the pros and cons of becoming a statutorily regulated industry, and how to go about it.  I will discuss how therapists have been compromised by poor training, and how people with bad intentions will use the industry to commit sexual assault.

Yvonne Blake, Chair of the Sports Massage Association, Vice chair of GCMT






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