Sessions not to miss!
Sessions to look out for…
At Therapy Expo, we pride ourselves on fulfilling CPD needs for a wide range of professionals across the sector. Our forward-thinking conference programme will provide current and comprehensive content for physiotherapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, soft tissue therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, physical training instructors, sport rehabilitators, exercise rehab instructors, MSK healthcare professionals, and more. Over the two-day event, you’ll hear from acclaimed sector professionals who will aim to provide you with core skills and understanding on current, need-to-know topics, as well as tips and techniques to improve your practice.
With Therapy Expo only 4 weeks away, let’s check out some programme highlights.
Clinical application on gait analysis for the injured runner
Theatre C – 27 Nov – 10:25-10:55
The use of gait analysis to prescribe running shoes is based on flawed & outdated principles. Looking at running biomechanics to improve running performance or reduce risk of injury is also full of issues and limitations. So as clinicians who work with runners, should we stop offering gait analysis? Most definitely not. In fact, used in the correct way, gait analysis can often provide the missing link in rehab strategies for injured runners. Join Matt Phillips as he takes us through a modern approach to clinical application of gait analysis for the injured runner.
Matt Phillips, Running Injury & Performance Specialist & Creator, Runchatlive
Shoulder reconditioning: how to stack the deck and get game-changing results
Theatre B – 27 Nov – 13:20-13:50
For the physically active and athletic population, the way in which the industry delivers shoulder rehabilitation needs to evolve. You might think this is a somewhat bold and audacious statement, but it's true. Tim experienced it personally following his own unsuccessful rehabilitation experience after multiple shoulder surgeries, and now 20 years on, he hears the same stories still being repeated today. In this session, Tim will share how his team at Dynamic Shoulders are bucking this trend. Expect to leave this session with the drive and motivation to rethink your current process and practices around shoulder rehabilitation. Tim will provide ideas of how you can stack the deck in your favour when it comes to designing a shoulder reconditioning strategy which will lead to greater results for your patients and clients.
Tim Stevenson, Athletic Performance Consultant, Shoulder Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and Founder of Dynamic Shoulders
Tailoring exercise interventions to enhance functional activities for people with Parkinson’s
Theatre C – 27 Nov – 15:55-16:25
This session will review how we use the neuro protection principles of exercise and look at typical problematic movement patterns which impact on function, discussing how to correct and carry over improved movement into everyday activities to increase independence. Speakers Gillian and Wendy run STABLE, an 8-week neuroplasticity-focused group-based rehabilitation programme. The principles from this group can be adapted for people with more severe symptoms who need to be seen on an individual basis.
Gillian Murphy, Occupational Therapist, & Wendy Forsyth, Physiotherapist, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
Manual therapy: where’s the evidence?
Theatre A – 27 Nov – 16:20-16:50
Manual therapy gets a bad rap on social media, and yet most practitioners who use it say they get good results. So, what’s going on? Is manual therapy a waste of time or a cure-all? In this lecture we will look at the evidence behind manual therapy and discover a new model of applying hands-on techniques to bring them up to date, therefore increasing the effectiveness for patients and ease of use for therapists.
Dr Chris Norris, Chartered Physiotherapist
Implementing evidence in practice: 2023 World’s Strongest Man
Theatre C – 28 Nov – 10:20-11:20
The world's number one Strongman, 2023 World’s Strongest Man and Clinical Exercise Physiologist Mitchell Hooper will be covering his journey from elite golfer to college football player, bodybuilder, marathon runner, powerlifter and ultimately world champion strongman. He will convince you that training to be a strongman is something for yourself and for all of your clients. Not only will you get a glimpse into the training methodologies required to thrive in all different elements of fitness, but he will also be giving insight into the mental journey of becoming a world champion. Through sharing his deeply personal struggles ranging from personal failures, mental health challenges, and many athletic failures, Mitchell will provide insight and inspiration for yourselves, and for you to pass on to your clientele. You will learn that accomplishing incredible feats in the face of adversity and against the odds anything is possible.
Mitchell Hooper, 2023 World’s Strongest Man, Strongest Man on Earth, Lift Heavy Be Kind
Tackling inactivity: the importance of physical literacy and finding meaning, value, and enjoyment in movement
Theatre B – 28 Nov – 11:05-11:35
This presentation will provide an overview of the Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England and unpack why physical literacy is important for engaging and sustaining participation in physical activity for everyone. The session will aim to help listeners to understand what physical literacy is (and what it isn't) and how to use this knowledge in their role, to understand the physical literacy journey and how to help others to understand how they can develop it, and to reflect on your own practice, challenge approaches, and do things differently through a physical literacy lens.
Gemma Parry, High Performance Practitioner, English Institute of Sports
Dr Lawrence Foweather, Reader in Physical Activity and Health, Liverpool John Moores University
Should the massage industry be regulated?
Theatre A – 28 Nov – 12:50-13:20
In recent years, the massage therapy industry has witnessed exponential growth, with an increasing number of individuals seeking its services for various health and wellness benefits. However, this rapid expansion has brought to light significant concerns regarding the lack of consistent standards, qualifications, and oversight within the industry. To address these issues, this talk advocates for the implementation of statutory regulation to ensure the professionalism, safety, and efficacy of massage therapy services. The absence of statutory regulation has created a fragmented landscape where practitioners operate under varying standards, leading to discrepancies in training, qualifications, and ethical practices. Without a standardised framework, clients are left vulnerable to potential harm from untrained or unscrupulous individuals posing as massage therapists. Moreover, the lack of regulation undermines the credibility and reputation of legitimate practitioners, making it difficult for clients to discern between competent professionals and those lacking proper training. The talk will address statutory regulation, the different types of regulation, which other industries are regulated, the pros and cons of becoming a statutorily regulated industry, and how to go about it. I will discuss how therapists have been compromised by poor training, and how people with bad intentions will use the industry to commit sexual assault.
Yvonne Blake, Technical Specialist, Sports Massage Association
Flippin’ Pain presents: mind your flippin’ language
Theatre A – 28 Nov – 13:35-14:05
With more than thirty years combined lived and professional experience of persistent pain, physiotherapist, lecturer and researcher Jaj and Libby, who lives with CRPS, have experienced first hand the sometimes surprising impact language can have in pain management. Drawing on research and their own experience, they’ll investigate the physiological effects of language on pain and how it can greatly help or vastly hinder patient understanding and recovery, providing tips on how to choose and use your words to improve patient relationships, encourage honest communication and maximise your therapeutic potential.
Libby Parfitt & Jagjit Mankelow, Flippin’ Pain Community Pain Champions, Flippin’ Pain