Rosemary Hollick
Academic Rheumatologist,
University of Aberdeen
Rosemary is an Academic Rheumatologist at the University of Aberdeen. She leads an innovative programme of applied mixed-method health services research which aims to provide new insights to inform effective, person-centred, and sustainable improvements in health and well-being for people living with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Over the past 5 years she has been awarded research funding of > £3.7M, as either Chief-investigator or Co-investigator. This interdisciplinary programme brings together patients, clinicians, researchers, and decision makers, and combines several different methodological approaches: routine health care data and health informatics, epidemiology, and qualitative methods, with an emphasis on patient and public involvement and co-design. Rosemary has championed the role of patients in RMD research and use of patient experience data to improve care. This has been recognised by an NIHR Innovation and Inclusion award for patient partner involvement in the VOICES study ‘Voicing experience to improve care for people with rare autoimmune conditions.’ Rosemary has a particular interest in service delivery in rare diseases and geographical inequalities in access to care and outcomes.
28-Nov-2024Breakout Room 2Tackling inequity across the devolved nations